
Paper Accepted for Publication in Journal of Biomedical Informatics

A new paper, which I co-wrote with my colleagues Fei Wang and Adam Perer (both of IBM Research) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Biomedical Informatics. The paper is titled “A Methodology for Interactive Mining and Visual Analysis of Clinical Event Patterns Using Electronic Health Record Data” and describes an approach to pattern mining overal temporal event data such electronic medical records. The approach combines tools for interactive visual queries, frequent pattern mining, and information visualization.

Paper Accepted for Publication in Information Visualization

A new paper, which I co-wrote with my colleagues Zhiyuan Zhang (Stony Brook) and Adam Perer (IBM Research) has been accepted for publication in the journal Information Visualization. The paper, titled Iterative Cohort Analysis and Exploration, is a more detailed presentation of the work we first described in a paper at the 2012 Visual Analytics in Healthcare workshop. More information about the project can be found here, and a link to the paper will be provided in my publications list once it is available online.