
Paper Accepted for Publication in Information Visualization

A new paper, which I co-wrote with my colleagues Zhiyuan Zhang (Stony Brook) and Adam Perer (IBM Research) has been accepted for publication in the journal Information Visualization. The paper, titled Iterative Cohort Analysis and Exploration, is a more detailed presentation of the work we first described in a paper at the 2012 Visual Analytics in Healthcare workshop. More information about the project can be found here, and a link to the paper will be provided in my publications list once it is available online.

It's Official!

As the fall semester comes to a close, SILS has officially announced my arrival with a brief letter posted to the school’s website yesterday afternoon. As the announcement mentions, I’ll be on campus for the spring semester and will be teaching Systems Analysis (INLS 582). I’ll also be working to kickstart my research program. In addition to my teaching and research, a major priority for me during my first few months at UNC will be getting to know all of the talented people at SILS, CHIP, and beyond.

The 4th Visual Analytics in Healthcare Workshop at AMIA 2013

The 4th Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC) Workshop was held this weekend in Washington, DC. This year’s event, which I co-chaired with Dr. Jesus Caban (NICoE, Walter Reed Medical Center), was held in conjunction with AMIA’s 2013 Annual Symposium. Over 100 attendees turned out for the workshop which included technical papers, posters, interactive demonstrations, and two keynotes: (1) Prof. Ben Shneiderman of the University of Maryland, and (2) Dr. Howard Wainer, a statistician and Distinguished Research Scientist at the National Board of Medical Examiners.

Moving to SILS

[caption id=“attachment_120” align=“alignright” width=“300”] Manning Hall, pictured above, is the home of UNC’s School of Information and Library Science.[/caption] I’m extremely excited to be joining SILS as of January 1, 2014 as an Associate Professor of Information Science. After over 8 years at IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Center in New York, I’m returning to Chapel Hill (where I earned my PhD in Computer Science in 2005) to join SILS, the #2 ranked iSchool in the country according to the latest US News and World Report rankings.