
Honored to be Named a 2015 NCDS Data Fellow

I’m happy to annouce that I’ve been recognized as a Data Fellow for 2015 by the National Consortium for Data Science. The honor comes with a $50,000 award to pursue my research in the coming year. The NCDS made the announcement last week and I’ve copied the press release below for posterity. I’m looking forward to working with the NCDS community! National Consortium for Data Science Names 2015 Data Fellows CHAPEL HILL, NC, December 8, 2014 – The National Consortium for Data Science (NCDS), a public-private partnership to advance data science and address the challenges and opportunities of big data, today named three faculty members at three different universities as NCDS Data Fellows for the 2015 calendar year.

Recording of Duke Seminar Now Available Online

A few weeks ago, on October 8, 2014, I spoke at Duke University’s Informatics Research Seminar series. The talk was hosted by the Duke Center for Health Informatics and was simulcast to collaborating universities including UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Charlotte, ECU, and NCCU. An archived recording of that talk is now available online, and it gives a good sense for some of my (older) work on visual analytics for healthcare. Because of the A/V setup, I didn’t show a live demonstration of my latest work that has since been published at IEEE VAST 2014 and in IEEE TVCG.

UnTangle paper accepted to appear at IEEE ICDM 2014

I’m pleased to announce that our paper describing UnTangle has been accepted to the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). This paper describes a recent project exploring new ways to visualize multi-labeled data with uncertainty. Click here to learn more.

Two New Workshop Papers

I’m excited to announce two new papers that have been accepted to appear at a pair of interesting workshops over the next few weeks. First, a paper describing some early work on temporal cluster visualization will be presented at the 5th Annual Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC) Workshop. VAHC will be co-located with AMIA this year and has a great lineup of papers, posters, live demonstrations, invited speakers, and a panel discussion.

New Research Projects: Progressive Insights and Untangle

I’m excited to share some more information about two different research projects. First, Progressive Insights is a project where we are exploring how the visualization workflow–and our underlying data analysis methods–can be adjusted to better accomodate long-running and computationally demanding analytics within high-speed interactive visual interfaces. We will be presenting on this topic appearing at this fall’s IEEE VIS conference in Paris, and a pre-print of our IEEE TVCG article is now available via the IEEE Digitial Library.

Two Papers Accepted at IEEE VAST 2014

I’m a co-author on two papers that have been accepted at IEEE VAST 2014, which will take place in Paris in November. The first paper provides a deeper look at the technical aspects of DecisionFlow, including a number of additional new algorithms that have been added to make it a truly powerful and scalable visual analytics platform for temporal event data. The second paper is titled “Progressive Visual Analytics” and is joint work with Chad Stolper at Georgia Tech and Adam Perer at IBM’s T.

5th Annual VAHC Workshop at AMIA 2014

The Visual Analytics in Healthcare Workshop (VAHC) will take place again in 2014. This will be the 5th annual workshop, and like last year it will be hosted by the AMIA Annual Symposium in Washington, DC. As co-chair of the workshop, I invite you to submit your work to this great event. There are a variety of ways that you can participate, from research papers to interactive demonstrations. All submissions are due August 31.

CFP: May 1 Deadline for JAMIA Special Issue on Visual Analytics in Healthcare

I’m excited to announced that I’ll be co-editing a special issue of JAMIA (the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association) that is focused on Visual Analytics in Healthcare. Papers are due May 1 and we hope to have the final issue available online this fall before the 2014 AMIA Annual Symposium. Please send in your work, and help us spread the work about the CFP! You can find more information, dates, and submission instructions in the official call that has been posted to the JAMIA website.

New Visual Analytics Course to be Offered Fall 2014

[caption id=“attachment_374” align=“alignright” width=“150”] From “Illuminating the Path: The Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics”[/caption] I’m excited to announce that I’ll be teaching a new course at SILS in the Fall 2014 semester: INLS 690 Visual Analytics. The class will cover fundamental concepts and provide lots of opportunities for students to “get their hands dirty” as part of course projects. I’m still early in my planning for this class, but it should be a fun course for anyone interested in data analysis, visualization, and interactive user interfaces.

Paper Accepted for Publication in Journal of Biomedical Informatics

A new paper, which I co-wrote with my colleagues Fei Wang and Adam Perer (both of IBM Research) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Biomedical Informatics. The paper is titled “A Methodology for Interactive Mining and Visual Analysis of Clinical Event Patterns Using Electronic Health Record Data” and describes an approach to pattern mining overal temporal event data such electronic medical records. The approach combines tools for interactive visual queries, frequent pattern mining, and information visualization.