New NIH Grant to Explore Visual Analytics for Mobile Health Data Streams

In collaboration with Dr. Arlene Chung from the UNC School of Medicine, David Gotz is part of a newly awarded a 3 year RO1 NIH grant which has been awarded through the joint NSF/NIH QuBBD program.  This approximately $1 million grant is the VACLab’s second QuBBD award, following a planning grant awarded by NSF in 2015 (to a different team, exploring a different topic).

With UNC as the lead institution, this new award will fund an aggressive mobile health project that pulls together a team of new collaborators from Harvard, Pittsburgh, and UNC.  The team will be working to develop new machine learning and visual analytics technologies designed to help summarize, analyze, and make clinically relevant a variety of of mobile health data streams captured outside of the clinician’s office.  The aim of the project is to use data gathered on an ongoing basis—between office visits—to help inform clinicians and patients a out how to better manage chronic conditions.  While the goal is to produce broadly applicable technologies, the project will focus primarily on patients with Crohn’s and Colitis.