Two New Workshop Papers

AMIA 2014 IEEE VIS 2014 I’m excited to announce two new papers that have been accepted to appear at a pair of interesting workshops over the next few weeks.

First, a paper describing some early work on temporal cluster visualization will be presented at the 5th Annual Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC) Workshop. VAHC will be co-located with AMIA this year and has a great lineup of papers, posters, live demonstrations, invited speakers, and a panel discussion. Learn more on the workshop website. My paper describes some emerging work taking place here at UNC through a collaboration with SILS graduate student Grace Shin and colleagues at the Department of Anesthesiology. More details will be posted to this website soon.

Meanwhile, I’ve also had a workshop paper accpeted to appear at the IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization for Predictive Analytics in Paris. Joint work with Jimeng Sun at Georgia Tech, this paper describes some preliminary examples of using the DecisionFlow visualization method to evaluate predictive models.